In collaboration with Maxis, BoardPAC conducted a corporate governance webinar for the Malaysian government sector on the 4th of February 2021.
The webinar was titled “HOW CAN BOARDS COLLABORATE SECURELY DURING AND POST COVID-19: Discussing the future of board collaboration and corporate governance within the government Sector.
The webinar mainly focused on how agencies in the public sector conducted and prepared for quarterly board meetings. Studies revealed that most government sector agencies still used traditional methods such as paper and email to accomplish this. However, a few agencies actively showed interest in adopting solutions that would help improve and organize board meetings, saving time and enhancing the participant’s experience. It was clear that the growing interest and the need to understand digital governance better was an aspect we could collaboratively contribute.
The constantly shifting external environment meant that corporations and government agencies are driven more towards adopting secure IT-based solutions to keep up with competition and improve work efficiency. This need gave light to two questions constantly on the minds of decision-makers. Firstly, how ready are we to adapt to the new norm? Secondly; Do we have the right tools?
The readiness of organizations depended on many factors; Companies needed to invest in infrastructure and equipment, and the digital literacy of the board members was constantly rephrased, showing its inadequacy. However, Companies realized that the change and transition to digitalization were inevitable, and steps needed to be taken to shift or be left behind. At the same time, the competition reaped success in their newfound productivity.
Through this webinar, both BoardPAC and Maxis were able to educate and create awareness on a few key elements that would improve the current state of board meetings. The need for the highest data security features, the ability to collaborate remotely, and the ease of use and intuitiveness of applications were topics primarily discussed at the webinar. The use of digital board governance solutions to conduct hybrid meetings, especially in these dire times of a
lingering pandemic, could tremendously save time and money when swift decisions are needed to be made. Companies and organizations have realized that the time to act is now, and solutions such as BoardPAC will be the driving force for digitalization within the board.
Maxis, along with BoardPAC, is at the forefront of Board digitalization in Malaysia; for the past decade, corporations such as Petronas, Axiata, Maybank, the Central bank of Malaysia, and the stock exchange of Malaysia placed their trust and confidence in the solution. The industry-leading telecommunication provider supports evolving organizations transitioning to a more sustainable board governance method while providing the necessary local after-sale support.
The Feedback received from the webinar was immensely positive. More than a hundred participants joined the session, and over fifty percent of the attendees requested demo sessions and introductions to the solution.